Nieuws & evenementen Blijf geïnformeerd Multiplier events LTTA – Spatial Strategies for An Age-Friendly The Hague, The Hague, The Netherlands LTTA – Boosting Seniors’ Social, Civic Participation and Employment, Paris, France LTTA – Knowing Asturias as a Safe, Respectful, and Still Active Home, Gijon, Spain Transnational Project Meeting – Poznan, Poland LTTA – Active Aging and Information Society, Porto, Portugal Drama & Theater Sport activities Memory & Laughter therapy Health seminar Cultural activities Language and ICT course AGES Project Kick-off Meeting in Çanakkale Language course Nieuwsbrief - 1 Nieuwsbrief - 2 Nieuwsbrief - 3 Nieuwsbrief - 4 Nieuwsbrief - 5 GRANT AGREEMENT 2020-1-TR01-KA204-092414 Schrijf je in voor onze nieuwsbrief Ik ga akkoord en accepteer Privacybeleid You successfully have been subscribed to our newsletter! Naam E-mail Abonneren