Project AGES aims to empower the European elderly citizens with knowledge, strategies, and tools to help them raise their quality of life and have active, happy, healthy, and successful aging. The consortium will run webinars and develop training materials to introduce new methods of stress management, health-financial-digital literacy, and foreign language learning activities.
The project also targets to enhance the intergenerational communication and exchange of experiences and information among the generations.
Another AGES project goal is to create a more age-friendly environment by exploring the good practices and achievements of Age Friendly Cities and Communities of the partners’ cities.
“Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been”
– Jimmy Buffet
Targeted to the senior citizens and youth, to ensure the intergenerational spirit and communication we will host:
A health seminar on the topics of active aging & successful aging
Practicing sports on the World Senior Citizens’ Day
Memory enhancement activities & laughter therapies
Traditional arts workshop in reviving of the cultural heritage
Drama workshop as a tool of self-reflection and realization
“It matters not how long we live but how.”
– Philip James Bailey
In an effort to inspire an age-friendly environment we will be running a series of mobility events. We will explore the good practices and achievements of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities of our partners’ cities as follows:
• Active Aging and Information Society, Porto, Portugal.
• Knowing Asturias as a Safe, Respectful, and Still Active Home, Gijon, Spain.
• Boosting Seniors’ Social, Civic Participation and Employment, Paris, France.
• Spatial Strategies for An Age-Friendly The Hague, The Hague, The Netherlands.
“Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.”
– John Lennon
Once successfully implemented, AGES will be one of the milestones in achieving such aims as:
• The sense of socially belonging in the elderly will increase as they will feel that they haven’t been forgotten.
• The number of senior citizens who are aging actively and successfully will increase.
• The policymakers and authorities of WHO will be our beneficiaries since the IOs will be shared with them, which may let them point at our project for future analysts.
“Ageing is just another word for living.”
– Cindy Joseph
Through the AGES project the participants will:
Receive education and see best practices on-site on the phenomenon of aging, active aging, and successful aging.
Acquire new skills and applications.
Improve their linguistic competencies.
Have the chance to observe what kind of problems a person can face in later phases of life thanks to the surveys and interviews which will be evaluated by the sociologists.
Become active cultural, social, and educational ambassadors, and contribute to social diversity.
Expand their networks both on local and on EU level, which will also help our project reach people and organizations on a wider level.
Connect the formal education with non-formal education.
Be pioneers and initiators of good examples which can be copied and applied by other local and regional organizations.
“Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever.”
– Walt Disney
Targeted to the senior citizens and youth, to ensure the intergenerational spirit and communication we will host:
IO2: Online Learning Seniors and Seniors’ E-Handbook. An online course on how to get involved in civic life and find a working activity after retirement to avoid inactivity and cognitive diseases linked to ageing.
IO3: Development of a Digital System “EasyLearn” and a mobile app. All three IOs will be free open sources and they will also show how AFC features have an impact on active and successful aging.

GRANT AGREEMENT 2020-1-TR01-KA204-092414